Bertrand Valentino (director/writer) | Rangga Fadhil M.S (producer) | Indonesia | 2020
6 mins 58 secs
A young boy arrives home from the shop with his new kite. Just as he is about to take it outside, a neighbour can be heard telling his mother that the shopkeeper has Covid-19. Subsequently, Pinto is quarantined in his room and his attempts to fly his kite through the window and with a fan are thwarted. In the final scene we overhear a vegetable seller telling Pinto’s mother that the shopkeeper has an ordinary fever (“masuk angin”), another woman with the same name but living in a different neighbourhood is the one with Covid-19.
Pinto, a primary school aged boy. Pinto’s mother appears briefly but all other characters are background voices: a neighbour, Pinto’s friends, a vegetable seller and a newsreader.
Pinto’s bedroom and, briefly, the entrance to his house, which is in a narrow lane
ReelOzInd! Australia Indonesia Short Film Competition and Festival seeks to raise awareness and improve understanding between the peoples of both countries.